Australian Rural Health Education Network (ARHEN)

ARHEN is the national association for the 19 University Departments of Rural Health across rural and remote Australia.

Our purpose is to promote the health and wellbeing of people in rural and remote Australia by delivering high-quality health education, research and advocacy.

Our member organisations, the University Departments of Rural Health (UDRH), are academic centres based in rural and remote Australia.

Each year, the UDRHs support more than 15,000 nursing, midwifery and allied health students to experience the opportunities and rewards of studying, living and working as a health professional in rural and remote regions.

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Recent Research Papers and Reports

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Every month, across 65 small farming communities, @Activefarmers runs over 300 community fitness classes to improve physical & mental wellbeing & address suicide rates in farming communities. We are surveying their trainers & will share the results soon! #LiveStudyWorkRural

Harper, a UQ Exercise Physiology student, energized the SWHHS Community Advisory Network forum with a spontaneous dance break, showcasing the power of movement for focus and well-being. Proud to see our students inspire and engage!

#SQRH #ExercisePhysiology #CommunityEngagement

We will be evaluating a Sustainable Rural Healthcare Hubs trial program in north Victoria to explore innovative services and strategies to encourage doctors, nurses, and allied health professionals to live and work in rural areas long-term. 
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